Staying in control of your business’ data is vital and can be made easier using a managed service provider
Businesses often generate tremendous amounts of data. Consider all of the emails you’ve ever sent, the documents you’ve written up, and the files you store on all of your computing devices and on platforms like Google Drive. Think about surveys you’ve sent to customers, information you’ve collected about their buying preferences and habits, and the data analyses you’ve conducted.
To stay in control of your data and manage it wisely, you need to develop a comprehensive information governance policy.
The benefits include the following:
- A sensible system of organization for all of your data, whether it’s a critical file you need immediate access to or older information you can stow away somewhere.
- Clear guidelines for employees on how they should store, share, or delete data.
- Improved data security, decreasing the chances that you’ll suffer from a successful cyber attack. (With increases in the rate of data breaches, no organization is safe from getting targeted.)
- A more effective use of data to glean insights from it and complete your work with greater efficiency and accuracy.
- Greater trust in the continued existence of your data, instead of worrying about permanent data losses or experiencing unsustainable amounts of downtime as you struggle to restore data after an IT disaster.
- Reliable compliance with data regulations that affect your industry.
- Less waste of resources, as you develop more cost-effective ways to store and manage data, and rely on safe ways to dispose of it when needed.
How can a Managed Service Provider (MSP) help?
With an MSP, you enjoy a comprehensive, personalized array of IT services provided by experienced professionals. You’ll receive invaluable guidance and assistance with creating an information governance policy and implementing it in your organization.
One example is your choice of data backup solutions. The wrong software and hardware will endanger your most sensitive data or lead to costly delays in data restoration. There are various solutions to choose from; these range from high-quality cloud storage for critical and confidential information to magnetic tape for older, unessential, and less sensitive data. Whatever you choose needs to make sense for your data and for your organization’s needs. Your MSP will assist you with data backups, including making sure the backups aren’t left incomplete.
Another issue that comes up is how to handle your growing volume of data, particularly if your company is expanding in scope or working on projects involving massive amounts of information. Where do you store it all? Many companies rely on a hybrid of cloud computing and local storage solutions, but the specifics really depend on your particular demands.
Then there’s the need for data security, essential for protecting your customers, business partners, and employees while also meeting regulatory requirements. Your MSP will monitor your network round-the-clock and immediately respond to signs of unauthorized activity. They can safely dispose of data you wish to get rid of and help you make use of encryption, firewalls, anti-malware programs, and other cyber defenses. With your MSP’s assistance, your employees can also undergo training for safer computing habits and remain aware of the threats your organization faces.
Another advantage of working with an MSP when you’re developing and implementing your information governance policy is that your MSP will remain in regular communication with you. They’ll keep you apprised of the health of your IT system and point out areas that could use improvement. Working with their feedback and advice will help you strengthen your organization’s ability to manage and make use of data.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about the services we provide as an MSP. Your data is a precious resource that should never be left in neglect and disarray.
There is certainly a great deal to know about this topic.
I love all of the points you have made.