Tag Archives: #LossOfData

What Will Happen If I Do Not Have A Backup Disaster Recovery (BDR)?

A folder containing emergency/disaster recovery plans

Life is unpredictable. Backup Disaster Recovery (BDR) plans are essential.

Backup and Disaster Recovery is an archiving solution that is used to retrieve information that could have possibly been corrupted, lost, or accidentally deleted. Your Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan will instantly become your insurance policy against data breaches and data losses.

If you are operating a small business, your business will be at a higher risk of closing its doors completely within less than a year after the data breach or data loss.

On the other hand, if you are operating a mid-sized business or a large business, you will be at a greater risk of being one of the targets of cyber criminals because of the significant amount of data you possess. Cyber criminals will also target larger businesses because of the financial resources they have to pay high ransoms.

If you instantly lose access to your data, applications, and documents, it does not have to lead to the end of your business. With the right backup and disaster recovery plan, you can significantly reduce your downtime and get your business running again. What can happen to your business if you do not have a reliable Backup and Disaster Recovery plan?

Significant Downtime

We understand it can be difficult to understand the real cost of downtime for your business. Did you know the average cost of downtime to a small business can exceed $8,000? While two of the things you will lose during the downtime are efficiency and productivity, they are not the only things you will lose.

You will also lose a significant amount of data that may have already landed in the hands of the wrong people. You will spend a significant amount of time trying to recover data and trying to get your business operating again.

The Loss of Data

There is more than one cause of data loss. If you do not have a Backup and Disaster Recovery(BDR) plan in place, the data you lost may not ever be recovered. If you suffer a permanent data loss, the amount of data you lost could be worth between $150 to $250 per record. That is certainly a significant amount of money that you will lose once you calculate how many data records have been lost.

The End of Your Business

It is important for you to have an understanding of how important the value of eliminating risks. As mentioned earlier, if you operate a small business, the loss of data or a data breach can lead to the end of your business. Unfortunately, over 50 percent of small businesses that suffer from data losses and data breaches will never recover.

Unfortunately, the loss of data will lead to more than just the loss of money, It will be extremely difficult for your current customers and clients to trust your business. It will also be difficult for potential customers and clients to give your business a chance after learning about the significant data loss or data breach you experienced.

As we have witnessed this year, natural disasters can happen at any time and in any location. Natural disasters can completely alter the state of any business, regardless of the size. It is also important to be vigilant of cyber criminals who can attack at any time. Natural disasters, malware, ransomware attacks are happening every year, and you have to understand that these disasters and attacks can lead to irreversible damage to your business.

You need to have a backup and disaster recovery plan in place or you can find yourself in a difficult position to recover. If you do not want to put the current state of your business and the future state of your business in jeopardy, please do not hesitate to contact SystemsNet for more information on how you can implement an effective BDR plan.