Category Archives: Technology

What Are Co-Managed IT Solutions and Why Do You Need Them?

Co-managed IT solutions

Are you overwhelmed by IT issues that take time away from your core business? Do you worry about the efficiency of your internal IT team? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then maybe it’s time you considered co-managed IT solutions. Hundreds of businesses around the world have already made the shift, and many of them are now thriving because of it. But what are co-managed IT solutions anyway, and why does everybody seem to be getting in on it?

What Are Co-Managed IT Solutions?

To handle their current technology, most businesses either maintain an in-house IT team or outsource all IT work to a third-party managed service provider. Both options have advantages, and usually, you would have to choose one or the other. These days, you can get the best of both worlds through co-managed IT solutions.

Co-managed IT solutions are a collaboration between your in-house IT professionals and an MSP of your choosing. With this kind of setup, you can enjoy the comfort and familiarity of having your people on board. You can always rely on the expertise of an IT provider, no matter the issue.

Reasons to Avail Co-Managed IT Solutions

Many small and medium enterprises are now using co-managed IT solutions, but this doesn’t mean it is the best route for everyone. Certain operations thrive better with an in-house IT division, while others are better at delegating all their IT needs to an MSP. So, how do you know if co-managed IT solutions are right for you? Here are some telltale signs.

You Need Both Your Internal Team and External IT Specialists

In-house experts are very familiar with your IT infrastructure and can provide insights that a third-party expert is not privy to. External IT professionals, on the other hand, might have far-reaching expertise that your staff does not. Working together, both groups can give you the best IT infrastructure possible.

Your Business is Expanding Fast

Growth is good, but it also means more tech issues to handle. You might be confident enough in the skills of your IT staff, but the work will probably pile up faster than they can keep up. A co-managed setup can keep your business expansion on track without burdening your staff.

Your Tech Requirements are Highly Specialized

Some businesses have specialized technology needs beyond the scope of regular IT professionals. Instead of spending company resources hiring costly specialists or making your staff undergo training, you can simply find a co-managed IT provider to do the job.

Final Thoughts

Co-managed IT is a popular course of action for many small and medium businesses today. Choosing it can bring about a significant boost in work efficiency, employee satisfaction, sales, and overall business performance. To find out whether co-managed IT solutions are the right choice for your business, you can refer to our Essential Guide to Co-Managed IT, which you can download for free right here. You can also call us anytime, and we’ll be right over for a consultation.

Stay Protected with Managed Cybersecurity Services

Managed Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks are among the most serious threats that businesses today are facing. As technology evolves, so do these online threats that target businesses of all sizes. There are many ways to protect your data and your network, like using a reliable anti-malware program or regularly educating your staff on security measures. However, the best way to get maximum protection for your business is by subscribing to managed cybersecurity services.

What is Managed Cybersecurity?

Managed cybersecurity services are a range of security solutions offered by third-party IT providers. This service is designed to safeguard businesses and other organizations against even the most vicious online attacks. They include everything from the installation of firewalls to 24/7 monitoring of your networks for prompt detection of and action against threats.

There are tools available on the cloud that businesses can use to defend themselves against cyberattacks. However, if you want maximum protection against cyber threats and data breaches, partnering with a managed cybersecurity services provider is the way to go.

Benefits of Managed Cybersecurity for Businesses

MSPs that specialize in cybersecurity solutions can implement a range of comprehensive security measures and proactive solutions to keep your business protected. Here are some of the primary benefits that you can expect once you start working with a reputable provider:

Guaranteed Cybersecurity Expertise

It is not easy to find independent IT professionals who are well-versed in all the different areas of cybersecurity. Hence, there is no guarantee that an in-house tech guy can protect your system from all the threats online. Managed cybersecurity services can give you prime solutions for any security concern and ensure the safety of your systems.

Quick Response

Cyberattacks cannot always be avoided, but with rapid action, the damage can be minimized. On your own, even identifying the cause of a breach can take a long time. Meanwhile, the hacker would already be stealing data and wreaking havoc. Highly skilled cybersecurity experts, however, can identify and address the problem quickly, keeping the damage as minimal as possible.

Compliance Made Easy

As technology advances and threats evolve, data protection regulations are also becoming more complex. Complying with these regulations can significantly add to the burden of a business. A managed cybersecurity services provider can efficiently take care of all these compliance issues, giving you peace of mind and leaving you time to run your business.

Reduced Expenses with Managed Cybersecurity

Not many realize it but cybersecurity solutions can be very expensive. Licensed anti-malware programs alone can cost a pretty penny, plus you need to pay cybersecurity professionals to install and maintain these solutions for you. Naturally, you do not want to skimp on security solutions because you want the best protection for your company, but you wouldn’t want to spend more on it than is necessary either. With a good provider, you don’t have to. You can get the best managed cybersecurity solutions at a much lower cost.

Fortify Cybersecurity Expenses Using Our Excessive Spending Calculator

Many business owners spend more on cybersecurity than they should. In their desire to keep data and networks protected, they are very willing to purchase many solutions that will supposedly boost their defenses. The intention is good but if it is leading to unnecessary expenses, it’s time you take a closer look. You can do this with the help of our Excessive Spending Calculator.

The Excessive Spending Calculator is a handy program that can help you pinpoint areas in your business spending that you can curtail. It can help you prioritize investments so that you can fortify your cybersecurity defenses. You can download it for free right here.

Hackers show no signs of slowing down, and any business can be a target. Make sure you are prepared for any attack by keeping your defenses in top condition, with the help of a dependable managed cybersecurity services provider. We can also answer any questions you might have about cybersecurity and other MSP services. Just say the word, and we will be right over for a free consultation!

Maximize Business Efficiency with Managed IT Services

business efficiency

The success of any business relies heavily on efficiency. Early on, it’s easy to keep operations efficient, especially when the organization is small. However, as your business expands, there will be more IT infrastructure and processes to handle, and it will simply be impossible to take care of it all on your own. It will also not be cost-efficient to hire an in-house IT team to do the job. So how do you maximize efficiency in a continuously growing business? Simple—you partner with a reliable managed network services provider.

What Are Managed Network Services?

Managed network services are technology services that a third party offers to businesses. These include a wide range of services that fall under network management, monitoring, and maintenance. Technically, companies can take care of all these procedures themselves, using an in-house IT guy or hiring outside services as needed. However, many business owners hire managed network service providers because of the business cost savings and efficiency.

Benefits of Managed Network Services for Businesses

Business Efficiency Cost Savings

The average salary of an IT professional in the US today is almost $100,000 annually. If you want to build a competent in-house tech team, you will need to have more than one of these experts in your payroll to cover the different fields of expertise. Just imagine the impact that would have on your company’s expenses. With managed network services, you pay less and improve business efficiency.

Improved Security

Cybersecurity threats that target businesses are becoming more aggressive over the years. Thus, it is more crucial than ever to have a robust security system in place. Managed network services employ the best security experts, so you will never have to worry about data breaches, system failures, or other online threats.

Enhanced Performance

Partnering with a reliable provider means you will have access to all the latest tools and features that will ensure the optimum performance of your network. Vigilant monitoring and regular maintenance will make downtime a thing of the past. Highly trained experts will identify network issues and address them with proactive solutions. All of this contributes to the overall performance of your business.

Streamlined Operations

Resolving IT issues can take up a lot of time, money, and other resources. By delegating your company’s technology matters to a managed network services provider, your staff can focus on doing the jobs that you hired them to do.

Scalability for Business Efficiency

Network requirements change frequently as a business evolves. Opening a new branch, for instance, would require massive network expansion and greater bandwidth. Handling these requirements can be demanding on your own but very easy with the help of a service provider.

Excessive Spending Calculator for Business Efficiency

The first benefit of managed network services is business cost savings. If you want a concrete idea of how much you can save with a good IT provider, our Excessive Spending Calculator can help. You can download this helpful application for free by clicking right here.

It’s so easy to use and can reveal plenty of valuable information regarding your company’s spending. This handy app can point out areas of inefficiency, uncover hidden costs, and help you identify potential business cost savings. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to optimize your network infrastructure and stay ahead of the competition.

If you want to learn more about managed network services and how they can help maximize your company’s efficiency, call us. We’ll be happy to answer your questions in a free consultation!

Business Success: Embracing Managed Service Providers

business success

Cutting-edge IT solutions are a top priority among businesses in today’s digital world, and it’s no big surprise. Technology continuously evolves, sometimes at a frighteningly rapid pace. You must be equipped with the latest software and hardware to achieve that business success.

Business Success: Impact of Technology Changes

There used to be a time when it was the norm for businesses to take a reactive approach to changes in technology. Businesses created and implemented IT solutions as a response to problems after these problems had already caused damage.

In recent years, the trend has shifted toward proactive solutions. Experts anticipate potential problems and implement solutions that will keep them from escalating. The more technology advances, the more potential problems might come up. Hence, to maintain high business success, it is more important than ever to engage in proactive tech solutions for businesses.

Benefits of Proactive Business Tech Solutions

Implementing proactive business tech solutions can do a lot of good for business success. Here are just some of the top benefits:

Improves Efficiency for Business Success

Business operations can run a lot more smoothly with a proactive IT solution. Business can go on as usual if downtimes decrease. These will not only improve efficiency but can also ultimately increase revenue and boost your reputation among your clients.

Reduces Costs

There will be some initial spending involved, but in the long run, the cost savings will be immeasurable. You can use our Business Excessive Spending Calculator to compare how much you would be spending before and after. With a dependable solution in place, you can avoid many expensive IT issues in the future, like system failures, extensive downtimes, or data breaches.

Boosts Work Performance

Part of proactive IT is the integration of all IT processes in your business, creating a seamless operation that will ultimately boost performance. This will speed up your systems and minimize delays, allowing your employees to maximize their productivity.

Mitigates Risks for Business Success

Proactive solutions play a role in mitigating risks and improving the overall security of your business. With non-stop monitoring, breaches or system errors will be detected and addressed quickly without disrupting operations. The system will also afford greater protection over your database and networks, keeping them safe during a cyberattack.

Allows for Scalability

Traditional business solutions can be limiting in terms of business growth. With a proactive solution, you can adapt to changing market demands. Even if you don’t have a concrete plan where you want your business to be a few years down the line, the scalability and versatility of a proactive system can easily allow growth and expansion to happen.

Business Success: Top Ways to Implement Proactive Tech Solutions

Predictive Analytics

One of the most popular proactive solutions used by businesses today is predictive analytics. In this process, experts locate patterns to predict future business trends through machine learning, AI, data analysis, and statistical models. This practice is useful in several business applications, like forecasting cash flow, sales trends, even product malfunctions, and so on.

AI-Driven Automation

Using large databases, AI-driven automation can make highly informed business decisions to address problems long before they even become an actual issue. The applications of these AI-powered solutions are endless—from identifying when a piece of hardware needs to be replaced to executing algorithms that can nullify potential cyber threats.

Cloud Computing for Business Success

Taking your business to the cloud is a proactive decision, as it eliminates multiple problems in terms of accessibility, storage, scalability, security, and even cost. Cloud computing can also be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business, which is why it is important to work closely with your IT provider, who can provide the most suitable solutions for you.

Find the Right Proactive Solutions with the Help of a Managed Service Provider

Navigating the world of IT business solutions on your own can be intimidating, which is why it is highly advisable to partner with a managed services provider that can help you. They can help achieve your goal of business success in this market.

Did you know that by keeping on using your old equipment, you might be spending more than you should? Try using our Business Excessive Spending Calculator and you’ll be surprised at how much money is unnecessarily going out of your business. You can download the calculator right here.

To learn the benefits of the Spending Calculator, be sure to watch our Webinar on demand, and find out the answer to this question: “Are you aware of what you’re paying for your IT Services?” Watch the Webinar HERE!

If you need help or have questions about managed services, call us anytime!