Category Archives: Manage Service

Deliver High-Quality Support To End Users With A Live Answer Help Desk

Employee working for a company's live answer help desk, wearing a headset to answer calls and solve client's IT issues.

Delivering better customer service with secure and smooth running live answer help desk.

Technology has become an integral part of every business today, and decision-makers have learned that investing in IT will pay off. Just as technology is critical to ensuring effective business operations and processes, IT support services play a critical role in that efficiency as well. Reliable IT support helps you deal with the daily challenges that arise, particularly the challenges surrounding IT solutions and digital hardware.

Poor IT support can cost businesses thousands of dollars each year. Do you have issues with your service provider’s inability to respond quickly to service requests? Does your business interact with an IT support partner whose staff does not have the skillet and experience to utilize help desk applications that can accurately and effectively track support requests?

Your business needs a secure and smooth running system that will allow your teams to focus on the key tasks at hand. So what should you look for in an IT support provider?

Deliver Better Customer Service to End Users With A Live Answer Help Desk

When your end-users are having IT issues, they are immediately going to be stressed by the time they seek assistance from a member of the help desk, and the last thing they want to do is listen to a series of automated voices just to be placed on hold or have the call disconnected. Once your end users have finally connected with someone, the stress level and frustration rise when they are instructed to access a website and navigate through a series of steps, and then wait for a technician to connect to the site.

However, end users can have an entirely different experience when it comes to a Live Answer Help Desk. Key benefits of using a Live Answer Help Desk include the following:

  • Enhanced customer service
  • Faster response times
  • Quicker resolutions
  • Authenticated sense of urgency
  • Minimal disruption and reduced downtime

Customers appreciate being able to call a Live Answer Help Desk and have an available technician who understands how urgent the technical issue is.

Your First Line of IT Support

Instead of getting rid of the idea of providing telephone support and possibly damaging relationships, a Live Answer Help Desk will provide an effective solution that will manage these calls. Built to fulfill the needs of your end users and your business’s current landscape, a Live Answer Help Desk can be utilized to fulfill the needs of your end users.

A help desk needs to be a multi-dimensional resource. The primary function of the help desk is to provide the end user with information and support for a business’s processes, products, and services. A help desk consists of a group of specialized individuals who are capable of resolving issues. The responsibilities of the help desk is to solve all of the possible issues an end user may have and address all questions immediately.

How Can A Live Answer Help Desk Address Security?

Cyberattacks and data breaches continue to be a major challenge for IT support providers. In 2021, hundreds of thousands of businesses were victims of cyberattacks, and billions of confidential and sensitive data were breached. Therefore, it has become critical that providers understand how IT support plays a pivotal role in ensuring that a business’s data and other digital assets are protected.

This means that any sensitive or confidential information that is shared throughout the conversation with a Live Answer Help Desk representative must be kept safe from cybercriminals. An IT support provider should be aware of the necessary steps that are needed to ensure that none of the help desk features and components can be used as a way for malicious actors to infiltrate the system.

When end users call, we answer immediately or users will experience less than 2 minutes to answer hold times. End users will get the best service possible, from experts in the industry. Your tech solutions and systems are critical to your business. Protect your IT investments by choosing an IT services provider that can offer you the help desk support services that your business needs.

Best Practices for Setting Up Your New Office for Success: Wired or Wireless?

Business professional holding a tablet device while speaking with an IT professional about setting up his new office space.

Weighing the pros and cons of setting up your office space.

Setting up your new physical office can be an exciting time. Surveying your space and imagining the quality work that’s going to get done there fires up the imagination like nothing else. With lots of options and decisions to make, however, the job of planning your new office can quickly pivot from exciting to stressful. One of the underlying questions you’ll have to bear in mind before you get started is whether you want to set up your new office space on a wired or wireless model.

Wired or Wireless Model? Pros and Cons

When planning your set-up, before you get in the weeds with lighting, office furniture, and décor, you’ll want to decide if your new office will be wired or wireless.

Wired Offices

Though wireless technology creates lots of flexibility, wired offices still carry some distinct advantages:

  • Wired internet may prove faster than wireless
  • Wired networks typically have stronger security options
  • Wired set-ups are often less expensive than wireless ones

Of course, in a completely wired office, laptop and tablet users will be out of luck in freedom moving about the office.

Wireless Offices

Just like wired office set-ups, totally wireless offices come with their own benefits:

  • Wireless connections increase mobility
  • Wireless systems are quicker and easier to install, since there’s no fiddling with connections and cables
  • Wireless networks typically present a neater and tidier appearance
  • Wireless networks allow for the latest in technology (including laptops and tablets)

Despite all these advantages, an exclusively wireless office isn’t always the best choice.

Benefits of Hybrid Deployment

Back in 2012, experts over at Inc. predicted that “the future of your office is wireless” and that some time in the near distant future, all office would be exclusively wireless.

This wire-free future will be the result of several technologies that exist or are in development, including one called WiGig, a multigigabit wireless docking technology capable of speeds of up to 7Gbps that runs on spectrum in the unlicensed 60 GHz frequency band. These frequencies are great for short-range communications and require line of sight between devices. That means it doesn’t work well between rooms. (

In a way, reading that description is a bit like time traveling.

While the technologies being described above have come and even been surpassed by more powerful and innovative replacements, we still haven’t seen a hard pivot to totally wireless offices.

While there are exceptions, most offices today deploy a hybrid approach to networking and internet access, and there are distinct reasons why this works best.

Naturally, if you choose an exclusively wireless office, you’ll lose all the advantages that come with wired connections; and if you choose to set up an exclusively wired office, the reverse is also true.

By deploying a hybrid set-up, including both wired and wireless connections, however, you’ll allow for the best of both worlds.

  • Security and mobility
  • Speed and aesthetics
  • Affordability and dependability

If you’re looking for current best practices for setting up your new office for success this year, rather than debating between wired and wireless connectivity, you would do best to lean more toward an inclusive hybrid model.

Of course, with a hybrid model, you’ll want to pay special attention to your network security.

That’s where we come in.

SystemsNet Can Help

At SystemsNet, we offer affordable plans to protect you from cybersecurity threats. If you’re interested in adding or tightening security for your business but aren’t sure where to start, we offer free consultations to get you on the right track.

For more information on our premium services, or to discuss setting your new office up for success, please contact us today. We look forward to serving you!

The Benefits of 24 x 7 x 365 Proactive Monitoring of Network Infrastructure

IT professional in an IT company using a tablet device performing proactive monitoring of networks.

Increase your company’s productivity through proactive network monitoring.

In IT, proactive network infrastructure monitoring is critical in order to ensure that systems are operating properly. Proactive monitoring allows IT teams to understand how systems are performing 24/7, which could help to prevent potentially costly network failures and server downtime. Unfortunately, instead of focusing on a proactive approach to infrastructure maintenance, many IT departments spend the majority of their time responding to unexpected problems. However, continuous monitoring can play a critical role in preventing problems and saving money, as this can allow solutions to be implemented before system failures occur, enhancing productivity. If your IT department currently takes a reactionary approach to network infrastructure maintenance, here is a look at just a few of the reasons why it is critical that you make the switch to proactive network infrastructure monitoring.

Proactive Monitoring Gives You More Control

As a modern business, your IT network is critical in ensuring that your company is productive, secure, and relevant. Proactive network infrastructure monitoring can then prove beneficial by helping you to ensure the health of your network. Monitoring allows you to keep track of the performance of hardware, ensuring that you are always aware of your server capacities and the health of your network. Continuous monitoring will provide you with resources to ensure that you have full control over your network at all times.

Prevent Potential Disasters

One of the biggest benefits of proactive network infrastructure monitoring is that it ensures that you always know how your network is operating. This helps to ensure that you are not caught off guard by unexpected problems. The last thing you want is to receive a phone call that your systems are down, as this can bring business to a halt. Proactive monitoring ensures that your network is always being observed for prospective problems or patterns indicating that a problem may soon arise, giving you time to make adjustments before there is a catastrophic system failure.

Increased Productivity

Of course, proactive network infrastructure monitoring can also be critical in helping to maximize productivity. Not only will proactive monitoring prevent downtime, which can severely dampen productivity, but it will also allow you to monitor your network for potential performance problems. As your network utilization grows, you will want to ensure that you are planning ahead for the additional bandwidth this will require. The last thing you want to have happen is to lose out on precious productivity because your network is being slowed down by too many users attempting to access your network at the same time. Fortunately, proactive monitoring allows you to check what is being used at any given time. Tracking usage patterns will allow you to ensure continuous service availability, preventing costly delays that a slow network can cause.

Proactive Monitoring Saves Money

A big reason to get ahead of the game with proactive monitoring of network infrastructure is that this can help you to reduce expenses and increase profits. The fact is that prevention through monitoring costs less in the long run. Instead of continuously reacting to problems as they arise, and struggling with the consequences of network downtime, proactive monitoring helps you to implement cost-effective solutions that will prevent these problems while saving you money. Additionally, ensuring that your employees have access to a fast, reliable network will boost productivity, potentially leading to increased profits.

In the long run, taking a reactionary approach to maintaining your network infrastructure will likely cost you time and money, putting you at a disadvantage over the competition. Feel free to contact us to learn more about proactive network monitoring and the benefits it can provide to your business.

5 Easy Steps to Improve Your IT Help Desk

Diverse group of employees with headsets working at computers in an office.

The IT help desk is a fast paced area that is constantly evolving.

The customer assistance center, also known as the IT help desk, is one of the key points in your business; It is through this that many reassuring or traumatic experiences transit for your clients. Call centers play a vital role in business efficiency. At the end of the day, your level 2 help desk technician team is often the face of your factory, and customer experiences will often be defined by the skills and quality of support they receive. The following will therefore help you better understand what needs to be done to improve the quality of your customer care center.

1. Reorganize the hiring and training process

One of the best methods to improve the quality of your IT help desk is to improve their service levels. Effective training and coaching practices can make your agents highly competent and help them move closer to their individual goals.

This is only possible if you hire a level 2 help desk technician with the right skills from the start and offer them personalized training to give them the opportunity to excel in their role.

A dynamic, motivated, and competent team of technicians will undoubtedly develop a sense of excellence and reduce the operational costs of the call center.

2. Revitalize and motivate agents

One of the keys to having a team of effective IT help desk technicians on hand is motivation.

To have motivated teams, team managers must design different strategies and activities that will strengthen team spirit. Establishing a valuation of each agent and a good corporate culture is one of the best ways to keep the morale of the troops at its highest level.

You can set up a reward-based motivation system like bonuses. Managers can also develop self-assessment programs for your level 1 help desk technician group and identify relevant actions to improve KPIs.

3. Solicit customer feedback

No matter how proactive you are, you will never be able to address every problem every customer has. To make sure you learn more about the good and unpleasant experience of your customers, create an easily accessible way for them to provide feedback.

You can opt for a telephone survey at the end of a service call or an electronic survey sent directly from your CRM tool and even a form on the “Contact Us” page of your website. It also helps dissatisfied customers to express their dissatisfaction.

Whichever option you choose, remember the importance of customer satisfaction feedback. Not only will you notice touchpoints and resolutions that need improvement, but your subscribers will see that you have a top-notch proactive IT help desk for them.

4. Take negative reviews into account

No one likes to receive negative reviews and yet everyone gets criticized at one time or another. Instead of being hurt, take them as a great opportunity to turn your customer’s experience into something satisfying. No one runs a perfect business with the perfect clients.

Receiving any kind of feedback can help you learn and grow as you go (as long as the criticism is constructive …). Dealing with a complaint or a bad experience shows customers that their voice is heard and that each and every one of them is important to every Level 1 help desk technician in your business. This engagement can thus increase the loyalty of your customers.

5. Invest in monitoring services

There are several software formats for help desk monitoring. Investing in an eye like this can turn out to be a good investment. SystemsNet can provide managed IT services that offer full tracking of the user experience from the first call to the outcome satisfaction survey after product delivery. Choosing a reliable IT Help Desk solution is undoubtedly a good way to improve the quality of call tracking. Contact us to learn more!