Providing quality customer service is just one feature a managed service company brings to the table
Welcome back and thanks for joining us for part two of our segment on the seven myths of managed IT Services. If you missed the first part, please check out myths 1 through 3 posted last week by clicking here
Myth 4: Managed IT Teams Won’t Work with In-House IT
A darker version of the same myth is the idea that an MSP will refuse to work with in-house or even insist that you fire any in-house IT on your team. This is patently ridiculous. Managed IT teams often rely on teamwork with in-house in order to fully understand and manage their part of the company’s technical tasks. They’re often our favorite people in the company because we work together so often and collaborate to most practically split up the mountain of technical management, service provision, and upgrades that take place inside a modern business.
Myth 5: A Managed IT Team Can’t Care About Your System Like In-House Will
Another myth floating around is that a managed IT team will be indifferent to the needs of our company. The idea is that outsourced outsiders just don’t have the same passion or investment in your business systems, so they won’t put their heart into the work. The reality is that passion is an individual factor, but professionalism is a powerful force. A managed IT team stakes their reputation and future client trust on their dedication to each system they work on. If there was really a lack of passion for strong security and well-built systems, then there would be no successful manage IT businesses from which to outsource.
Managed IT teams often care deeply about the integrity of the servers, networks, and tech-stacks they work with. While your in-house team may also be dedicated don’t underestimate the passion for good systems that an MSP team can bring to the table.
Myth 6: Working with Managed IT Can Compromise Your Cybersecurity
Many businesses worry about protecting their servers and cybersecurity. This is a good worry to have in a hacker-rich environment. However, sharing your server’s credentials and hiring a managed IT team to take care of your tech is the exact opposite of bad for cybersecurity. Your device, network, and cloud security are about to get a major tune-up, one that in-house IT may have been unable to take care of with work piling up.
Remember again that a managed IT business goes in with their reputation on the line. If any team became associated with compromised security, they would have a hard time keeping other business clients. Therefore, your MSP will naturally be dedicated to both providing great cybersecurity integrations to your software and absolutely ensuring that they are not the cause of any security weakness.
Myth 7: All Managed IT Teams are the Same
Last but certainly not least is the myth that every managed IT and MSP business provides the same services at similar prices for comparable results. Just like any industry, managed IT service teams are hardly identical from business to business. One team may specialize in web servers, another may have a crack team of cybersecurity specialists. As we mentioned earlier, some MSPs focus on big enterprise services while most provide a variety of helpful and cost-effective technical services for small to medium sized businesses.
No two managed IT service teams are completely alike, even if they do offer similar services to the same types of businesses. It’s always worth your while to compare your options before choosing a managed IT provider for your business.
There are myths and false rumors floating around about every industry, and the truth is just as easy to find. These myths come from anecdotes, misunderstandings, and often from baseless conjecture around the water cooler. To find out more truths about managed IT services or to discover the benefits for yourself, contact us today!