Monthly Archives: July 2014

Ways to Improve Password Security

cyber securityCyber security is becoming a serious problem in society as more of our services and information are transferred to computers and online. The Heartbleed bug caused chaos, and other similar threats cause businesses a lot of downtime each year.

The humble password remains your most powerful tool. It’s the key to your front door. A bad password can easily allow a hacker to get around even the most sophisticated security systems. Look at these tips to improve your password security.

Change it Regularly

Have you ever wondered why software seems to have an update every few weeks and yet nothing changes?

Most updates are security updates. It’s essentially the software resetting itself and changing slightly to make sure hackers using the latest techniques can’t get through. With every alteration, cybercriminals have to begin their attacks all over again. Change your passwords regularly to make it even harder for hackers to get through.

Types of Passwords

You have different security levels when it comes to passwords. Let’s start with the most basic type of password. These are words and phrases personal to the individual. You’ll most commonly find them on home computers. A business should limit their usage of this type of password, despite the fact they’re easy to remember.

Restricted areas should have complicated strings of letters, numbers, and symbols. These strings can be stored independently. It’s more inconvenient for users, but these are difficult for hackers to guess through brute force attacks.

Brute force attacks always try to use common English words and phrases first.

Limit the Damage and Increase Security

Make sure your systems have multiple layers of passwords and segregate data. For example, have each password lead to only a small area of your server. The owners of these passwords should only have access to the areas of the server relevant to them. By using different passwords in this way, you increase security. Sometimes, it’s about safety in numbers.

Keep Malware and Anti-Virus Systems in Check

Keyloggers are what you want to watch out for. These can break even the securest passwords. Keyloggers are pieces of software installed on your system without your knowledge. They log your key strokes and transmit these back to a hacker. Once you enter your password, they will know the password.

It’s pointless to secure your password if you’re allowing hackers to circumvent them. Use a reputable anti-virus and malware provider, and always perform updates and scans when prompted.


Keeping a strong password isn’t difficult. The vast majority of people find their passwords falling into the wrong hands due to laxity. Keep altering your passwords every few weeks and ensure every other aspect of your security is completely updated.

Online security relies on a company’s ability to have every part of it work in tandem. If one area lacks, a hacker will find a way through and render your other security protocols ineffective.

Importance of a Business Continuity Plan

disasterA business continuity plan is the equivalent of your strategy when the world goes into meltdown mode. It’s your version of the nuclear shelter. You might have your offices wiped out by a natural disaster or your servers taken down by a cyber-attack. No business is completely free from risk.

In the event something does happen, you need a business continuity plan. It needs to dictate what you need to do to get back in business again and what you need to do should you lose customer data or an entire database.

Here are some off the reasons why you need to ensure you have an updated business continuity plan.

Keep Going

Your business continuity plan will allow your company to get back on its feet again. It might not allow the entire business to recover right away, but you’ll be able to operate on a basic level.

It can be something as simple as installing a generator to restore power when the lights go out.

Operate Remotely

In some cases, you might have no choice but to relocate. This is possible if you live in states like New York, Louisiana, and Arkansas where natural disasters of all kinds can appear out of nowhere.

Operating remotely to a minor degree can enable you to do what you can for your customers and keep the general public updated about the situation.

For example, your staff might be able to work from home on tablet computers and laptops whilst your office is physically out of commission.

Protecting Data

Data is what allows a business to operate. Should you lose access to this data, for whatever reason, your business continuity plan will allow you gain access to it again.

This part of your business continuity plan will include your backup solutions. One example of a business continuity plan could involve storing data in a remote location on a remote device.

Reducing the Damage

Every minute off the grid is money lost and customer satisfaction shaken. Businesses that leave the public eye for just a few weeks may never open again. One of the reasons they never reopen again is a lack of direction. They don’t know what to do and they find themselves unable to recover.

Business continuity plans provide you with that vital direction you need to function. It allows you to reduce downtime and get back to business as soon as possible.

How Complex Does Your Plan Need to Be?

Despite the fact there are consultants charging thousands of dollars to form business continuity plans, these aren’t always necessary. Simple contingency plans are more than enough to ground the situation and get back to normality with the least hassle possible.